In the Rugudihi village, Odisha has undergone a remarkable transformation, through solar-based irrigation systems facilitated by the Odisha Tribal Empowerment & Livelihoods Programme Plus (OTELP Plus). Led by the Village Development Association (VDA) and with the crucial support of ITDA OTELP Plus, this initiative has revitalized once-barren lands, offering newfound opportunities for tribal households. Through meticulous oversight and cooperation from the community, the Solar Borewell project has not only addressed water scarcity challenges but also significantly boosted agricultural productivity. 

With Vikash FNGO playing a pivotal role in the project's success, Rugudihi now stands as a shining example of sustainable agricultural development. With increased incomes, transformed livelihoods, and a sustainable pathway to prosperity, Rugudihi's success story serves as a beacon of hope for rural communities across Odisha, highlighting the tangible impact of community-driven initiatives and targeted interventions in nurturing economic stability and growth.