In the remote Benuam village of Tamada panchayat, nestled in the hills under Gurundia Block, 92 tribal and Dalit families found their livelihood in agriculture and seasonal business. Facing challenges of nutrition and economic stability, their situation improved remarkably after the intervention of OTELP.

Vikash Team members, alongside OTELP, empowered selected farmers with alternative agriculture practices. Despite limited land, 25 families embraced vegetable cultivation with technical and managerial support. Daskand Oram, a standout farmer, excelled with diversified crops like sweet corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and bitter gourd, supported by OTELP.

Through diligent care and guidance, the farmers reaped abundant harvests, fostering social bonds by sharing their produce generously. The profitability of vegetable cultivation encouraged further diversification, promising substantial earnings of ₹60,000-₹70,000 in the Rabi season.

Recognized as the best Leading Farmer by OTELP Plus, Daskand Oram's success story symbolizes the transformative impact of agricultural intervention. It not only ensures economic security but also heralds a future of nutrition abundance for the villagers, all thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Vikash Team and OTELP staff. Daskand Oram's accolade at the annual Adivasi Mela in Bhubaneswar stands as a testament to their remarkable journey towards prosperity.