In Singavaram village, the transformative impact of ITDA's intervention, facilitated by VIKASH Cluster-IV, is evident through the success story of the Maa Tarini SHG goatary unit. Formerly struggling with limited income opportunities and financial insecurity, the SHG members now thrive as successful goat rearers, thanks to the strategic initiative and support provided by ITDA. With financial assistance and technical guidance, the SHG ventured into goat rearing, securing a stable source of income and enhancing their livelihood security. This shift from seasonal work to goat rearing has empowered women with newfound skills and confidence, fostering self-reliance and accomplishment.
The success of this project underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between stakeholders, with VIKASH playing a pivotal role in identifying needs, providing support, and facilitating training. Through this initiative, ITDA and VIKASH have transformed the lives of the SHG members and set a shining example for rural communities, inspiring them to pursue sustainable income generation activities and achieve economic empowerment.